Larger phone screens are changing our habits

Larger phone screens are changing our habits

For many people, utilising a phone screen has become a go-to part of the day. Whether it’s become the first thing you use in the morning or the last thing at night, our phones dominate our lives. One thing that makes it so easy for the phone to be so important to our day-to-day activities, though, is the fact that screens are so large!

How are large phone screens having an impact on our day-to-day lives, though?

Is it fair to say that phone screens have changed how we consume technology? It is. Let’s take a look at why.

The ‘new newspaper’

For many of us, the larger size of a phone screen means using our phone as a newspaper. In the morning, we’ll read, watch, and consume our news on things like a phone as opposed to buying a newspaper. We’ll subscribe online and take in the newspaper digitally, saving us having to go to the store to buy a paper. That larger screen provides a simpler way to read than the outdated format of a newspaper – at least for some.

Consuming media

Some of us even watch our TV and our chosen media on the phone. From catching your favourite football teams to watching Netflix on the phone, many of us are consuming media on our phones like never before.

With the rapid ease of getting a solid internet connection and the crystal clear nature of most screens, it’s so easy for you to consume media in a way that feels simple and refreshing.

Gaming on the go

A big change, though, stems from how we consume media and gaming now. Many of us would rather have avoided playing games on our phone. Today, people play everything from console-based video games to online casinos through their phone. Betting sites like Betfree have optimized their games and interface to work on larger phone screens, for a more immersive experience. The screens are large enough and the interface simple enough that we can usually play without taking up too much room on the screen.

So, why not invest your knowledge into gaming on the go? If you like gaming, screens today are large enough that you don’t need a TV screen and/or a games console!

Getting work done

It’s not even out of the realms of possibility to do some work as you go about your day. Some of us could use the writing and spreadsheet tools on our phone with ease, ensuring that we can get work done in a fraction of the normal time.

That’s why we suggest that you take a look at getting work done, ensuring that you can get more done even when you don’t have a work space.

Long conversations

In the past, it would be common for an SMS back-and-forth to lead to a phone chat or a physical meet-up. Now, though, with the size of screens? Phoning or meeting up has become a thing of the past. That’s why we recommend that you look to get into the habit of having some long conversations together via SMS; more and more people want to avoid phone calls!

So, how has a larger screen changed how you consume media?