Patent Information Publication number: US645576 A Patent Title: System of transmission of electrical energy Publication type: Grant Publication…
Tag: fun
Mac 128K
Patent Information Publication number: USD285687 S Patent Title: Computer housing Publication type: Grant Application number: US 06/541,714 Publication date: Sep 16, 1986 Filing date: Oct…
Patent Information Publication number: US821393 A Patent Title: Flying-machine Publication type: Grant Publication date: May 22, 1906 Filing date: Mar 23, 1903 Priority date:…
Light Bulb
Patent Information Publication number: US223898 A Patent Title: Electric lamp Publication type: Grant Publication date: Jan 27, 1880 Filing date: Nov 4, 1879 Priority…
Patent Information Publication number: US200521 A Patent Title: Improvement in phonograph or speaking machines Publication type: Grant Publication date: Feb 19, 1878 Filing date:…
Electric Motor
Patent Information Publication number: US132 A Patent Title: Improvement in propelling machinery by magnetism and electro-magnetism…
This Day in Patent History - On January 13, 1942, Henry Ford patented a Soybean car (a plastic car), which is 30% lighter than a regular car
On January 13, 1942, Henry Ford patented a Soybean car (a plastic car), which is 30% lighter than a regular car. Henry Ford came up…
This Day in Patent History - On January 12, 1901, Melvin F Rock filed a patent for a bicycle pump housed within the seat-post tube of the bicycle frame
On January 12, 1901, Melvin F Rock filed a patent for a bicycle pump housed within the seat-post tube of the bicycle frame. We wonder…
Nikola Tesla patent #14 - Method of Converting and Distributing Electric Currents - US382282A
Patent Information Publication number: US382282 A Patent Title: Nikola Tesla…
This Day in Patent History - On January 11, 1955, Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline
On January 11, 1955, Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline. By 1958, tetracycline became the most prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic in the U.S. For this…