On October 24, 1836, Alonzo D. Phillips patented a friction match. This was 68th patent issued in US. …
This Day in Patent History – On October 23, 1877, a patent was issued for a gas-motor engine to Nicolaus Otto, and Francis and William Crossley.
On October 23, 1877, a patent was issued for a gas-motor engine to Nicolaus Otto, and Francis and William Crossley. They submitted a model…
This Day in Patent History - On October 22, 1940, Julian, Mayer and Krause received a patent for cortisone, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, diseases of connective tissue and gout.
On October 22 1940 Julian, Mayer and Krause received a patent for cortisone, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, diseases of connective…
This Day in Patent History – On October 21, 1824, Joseph Aspdin patented Portland cement.
Patent no. BP 5022. Patent Title – An…
On October 14, 1884, George Eastman received patent on his new paper-strip photographic film. (This Day in Patent History)
Patent Information: Patent number: US306470 A Publication type: Grant Publication date:…
On October 4 1949, a patent was granted for an antibiotic for typhoid to Crooks, Rebstock, Controalis and Bartz.
Patent Information Patent Number: US 2483885 A Patent Title: Nitrophenyl acyl…
Event of the Day - October 1 is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day
October 1 is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day. It is celebrated “To promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism.” It brings awareness to the…
Event of the Day - September 30 is celebrated as International Blasphemy Day in some countries
September 30 is celebrated as International Blasphemy Day in some countries. International Blasphemy Day encourages individuals and groups to openly express criticism of religion and…
Event of the Day - September 30 is celebrated as International Translation Day
International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint…
Event of the Day – September 29 is celebrated as Inventors' Day in Argentina - Birthday of the inventor of the ballpoint pen, László József Bíró
The Inventors’ Day in Argentina has been celebrated since 1986 and is held yearly on September 29, the birthday of the inventor of the ballpoint…