A video posted by PatentYogi (@awesomepatents) on Oct 7, 2015 at 11:16am PDT Patent Information Patent Publication Number: US20150138333 Patent Title: Agent Interfaces for…
Tag: technology
Interesting fact about patents - In January 2015, Chinese government allowed inmates to get out of jail by buying patents
Chinese government has been very aggressive with promoting patents over the past 5 years. Now, China has even overtaken US as the biggest patent filer.…
CreepyIP #6 - Annunciator for the supposed dead
A video posted by PatentYogi (@awesomepatents) on Oct 6, 2015 at 11:04am PDT Patent Information Patent Number: US465548 A Patent Title: Annunciator for the supposed…
On October 7, 1975, Ysidore M. Martinez was granted for a knee implant prosthesis (This Day in Patent History)
Problems solved by this invention Previous knee implant prosthesis devices…
On October 6, 1941, photocopying was patented by Chester Carlson (This Day in Patent History)
Patent Information Patent Number: US2297691 A Patent Title: Electrophotography Publication date:…
CreepyIP #5 - Spirit Messaging Device
A video posted by PatentYogi (@awesomepatents) on Oct 5, 2015 at 6:35pm PDT Patent Information Patent Number: US1322727A Patent Title: SPIRIT MESSAGE CONVEYING DEVICE Inventor:…
On October 4 1949, a patent was granted for an antibiotic for typhoid to Crooks, Rebstock, Controalis and Bartz.
Patent Information Patent Number: US 2483885 A Patent Title: Nitrophenyl acyl…
CreepyIP #3 - Jack-o-lantern kit
The disclosure relates to Halloween decorating devices and more particularly pertains to a new Halloween decorating device for providing a re-usable jack-o-lantern and means for…
CreepyIP #2 - Scary Halloween Candy bag
It’s October, the time of the year when we delve into the Creepy world of patents. This full month we will share creepy patents everyday!…
Funny Patent of the Day - Abdominal support. This seems to be inspired from Man Bra episode from Seinfeld.
Problem solved by this patent A distended abdomen, typical of the…