This Day in Patent History - On November 28, 1916, Edward H Angle invented an Orthodontic appliance to force the teeth of the dental arch into proper alignment

On November 28, 1916, Edward H Angle invented an Orthodontic appliance to force the teeth of the dental arch into proper alignment. This patent is still cited even after about 100 years of publication.

On November 28, 1916, Edward H Angle invented an Orthodontic appliance to force the teeth of the dental arch into proper alignment















Patent Information
Publication number: US1280628 A
Patent Title: Orthodontic appliance
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: Oct 8, 1918
Filing date: Nov 28, 1916
Priority date: Nov 28, 1916
Inventors: Edward H Angle
Original Assignee: Edward H Angle
