PATENT INFORMATION: Patent No – US 9,079,510 Patent Title: Adjustment device for ergonomically setting a vehicle seat with several adjustable seat components Inventors: BHuber; Andreas…
PATENT INFORMATION: Patent No – US 9,082,222 Patent Title: Physical face cloning Inventors: Bickel; Bernd (Zurich, CH), Kaufmann; Peter (Liebefeld, CH), Thomaszewski; Bernhard (Zurich, CH),…
PATENT INFORMATION: Patent No – US 9,083,770 Patent Title: Method and system for integrating real time communication features in applications Inventors: Drose; Michael (Hohenstein, DE),…
PATENT INFORMATION: Patent Number – US 9083864 Patent Title – Self-cleaning camera lens Inventors: Reed; Glenn Richard (Ann Arbor, MI) Assignee: Ford Global Technologies, LLC…
PATENT INFORMATION: Patent Number: US 9083864 Patent Title: Head worn device having temple arms to provide long axis compression Inventors: Adams; Aditha May (Seattle, WA),…
Patent Information Patent Number: US 9,076,033 Patent Title: Hand-triggered head-mounted photography Inventors: Barron; Jonathan Tilton (Oakland, CA), Levoy; Marc Stewart (Stanford, CA), Hasinoff; Samuel William…