Ice formation on aircraft surfaces affects performance by increasing weight, creating drag, and loss of lift. In general, icing can occur: 1) while the aircraft is…
Bug-like robots from Google may soon crawl on your phone
While software bugs are definitely something to get rid of, Google intends to put “hardware bugs” on your smartphones and tablets. Only that these are,…
Facebook makes it easier to split bills with friends
Last year, Facebook released peer-to-peer payments feature for its Messenger. The feature lets users send and receive money to one another. Facebook built the entire…
eBay is revolutionizing the way we do our laundry. It will be a huge stress buster
Doing laundry is often voted to be the most frustrating chore and rightly so. Most clothing items include labels with printed information describing a manner…
IBM's conversation coach to save marriages
This technology from IBM might just save your marriage! Poor communication has been touted time and again as the number 1 reason for couples spitting.…
US Navy invents technique to produce jet fuel from Biomass
US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet, according to some studies. While official accounts put US military usage at 320,000 barrels…
Star Wars - Yoda
Patent Information Publication number: USD265754 S Patent Title: Toy figure Publication type: Grant Application number: US 06/141,597 Publication date: Aug 10, 1982 Filing date: Apr…
Curious case of Apple Battery Case - Patents might have led Apple to design an ugly battery case
Click image below to watch the video: If Apple is known for one thing, it is design. It was Steve Jobs insistence on design, that…
Top 10 Greatest American Patents