Sunday Funday - High Tech machine to change a bulb

PatentYogi_Funny Patent















Patent Information
Patent Number: US 6826983 B1
Patent Title: Light bulb changer
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 10/361,528
Publication date: 7 Dec 2004
Filing date: 10 Feb 2003
Priority date: 10 Feb 2003
Fee status: Paid
Inventors: Thomas Magdi

Abstract: A light bulb changer method and apparatus that contains components that allows for instantly detecting a burned out light, automatically removing the burned out light, and automatically replacing the burned out light with a replacement bulb. The changer operates without human intervention, and can be assembled from a kit having a light fixture, detecting sensor, removing and replacement hardware. The kit can allow a consumer to assemble the changer for use as a novelty item, and/or also to be used as a working light fixture, such as a table lamp, and the like. The changer can also be used as a retrofit for existing light fixtures so that the existing light fixtures can be modified.

