Patent Information Patent Number: US 6313371 B1 Patent Title: Flatulence deodorizer…
Tag: technology
On October 10, 1911, Henry Ford received a patent for an automobile transmission mechanism (This Day in Patent History)
Patent Information Patent Number: US 1005186 A Patent Title: Transmission mechanism…
On October 9, 1855, Isaac Singer patented his sewing machine (This Day in Patent History)
Patent Information Patent Number: US 13662 A Patent Title: Improvement in…
CreepyIP#9 - Bloody spewing apparatus
A video posted by PatentYogi (@awesomepatents) on Oct 9, 2015 at 10:29am PDT Patent Information Publication Number: US 20090107556 A1 Patnet title: Fluid Dispensing Fake…
Latest Patent - Microsoft patents transparent display device
Patent Information Patent Number: 9,152,173 Patent Title: Transparent display device Inventors:…
Latest Patent - Google plans to integrate antennas into envelopes of its balloons
Problems solved by this invention Google’s Project Loon is a research…
Latest Patent - Robotic 3D scanner to detect vehicle faults
Problems solved by this invention Modern vehicles, such as automobiles,…
CreepyIP#8 - Bleeding facemask
A video posted by PatentYogi (@awesomepatents) on Oct 9, 2015 at 12:03am PDT Patent Information Patent Number: US6093475 A Patent Title: Bleeding costume element…
Event of the Day - October 8 is celebrated as Air Force Day in India
Here is Wright Brothers patent for their aircraft. Check…
DARPA funded research develops technique to blow bubbles in space
Since long, Scientists have been trying to find a way to deploy large structures in space. However, transporting such large structures into space is not…