Celebrity Patent - Steven Spielberg patented a method for Annotating a Line-Based Document

Celebrity Patent – Steven Spielberg patented a method for Annotating a Line-Based Document.

The method enables multiple people collaborate on screenplay writing process.

PatentYogi_Celebrity Patents - Steven Spielberg

















Patent Information
Publication number: US8091028 B2
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for annotating a line-based document
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 12/395,265
Publication date: Jan 3, 2012
Filing date: Feb 27, 2009
Priority date: Mar 9, 2001
Fee status: Paid
Also published as: CA2440291A1, EP1374231A2, EP1374231A4, EP2390783A1, EP2390783B1, US7366979, US7500193, US8762853, US20020129057, US20060143559, US20090228126, US20120173959, US20140365860, WO2002073353A2, WO2002073353A3, WO2002073353A8
Inventors: Steven Spielberg, Samuel Gustman
Original Assignee: Copernicus Investments, Llc
