May 16 is celebrated as a National Sea Monkey Day

National Sea Monkey Day celebrates an amazing pet that comes alive when placed in water. Children and adults are fascinated by these creatures, that almost instantly are born when place in water.

They were developed in the United States in 1957 by Harold von Braunhut. The product was heavily marketed, especially in comic books, and remains a presence in popular culture.
patentyogi_National Sea Monkey Day

Celebrate this day by spending some time with your Sea Monkeys using this patented timepiece.
PatentYogi_Event of the Day_May 16
Source: Wikipedia; Wikipedia

Patent Information
Publication number: US6416217 B1
Patent Title: Aquarium watch
Publication date: 9 Jul 2002
Filing date: 16 Jan 2001
Priority date: 16 Jan 2001
Inventors: Harold von Braunhut
Original Assignee: Von Braunhut Harold
