Bee vomit is delicious [THOUGHT OF THE DAY]

PatentYogi_Bee vomit is delicious

Normally, during an acitve period honey bee colonies contain a single queen. Here is a patented method to run a two-queen operation of a honey bee colony. This provides a larger worker bee force for the honey flow than is provided by a single queen. The colony is reverted back to single queen operation at the appropriate time after the worker bee force is built up.

Patent Information
Publication number: US4241467 A
Patent Title: Method and system for two-queen operation and requeening of honey bee colonies
Publication date: 30 Dec 1980
Filing date: 29 Jun 1979
Priority date: 29 Jun 1979
Inventors: Otis R. Pannell
Original Assignee: Pannell Otis R
