Disney plans to scare you more on roller coasters by using cantilevered seats on roller coasters

Disney like to create new and exciting experiences for visitors to Disneyland.

PatentYogi_Disney plans to scare you more on roller coasters by using cantilevered seats on roller coasters

The patented rides are adapted to provide passengers unobstructed lines of sight in turns and increased turn velocities. The ride includes a track and a ride vehicle. The vehicle includes a cantilever support arm, extending from the vehicle base, which is connected to the track. The passenger seat is mounted to the cantilever.

When the ride is operated to cause the ride vehicle to move along the track, the cantilevered arm will negotiate curves in the track with the same angular speed as the vehicle base. As a result, the passenger seat will experience amplified lateral motion and speed as compared to a conventional ride vehicle with the passenger compartment on the wheeled base.

Patent Information
Publication number: US 9272224
Patent Title: Amusement park ride with cantilevered ride vehicles
Publication date: 1 Mar 2016
Filing date: 6 Mar 2014
Inventors: Edward A. Nemeth; Spencer T. Banks; Derek Howard;
