This Day in Patent History - On December 8, 1891, Samuel F. O'Reilly patented the first electric tattoo machine based on Thomas A. Edison’s autographic printing pen

On December 8, 1891, Samuel F. O’Reilly patented the first electric tattoo machine based on Thomas A. Edison’s autographic printing pen.

He is known as the godfather of the American Tattoo.

PatentYogy_On December 8, 1891, Samuel F O'Reilly patented the first electric tattoo machine based on Thomas A Edison’s autographic printing pen
















Patent Information
Publication number: US464801 A
Patent Title: Samuel f
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 8 Dec 1891
Filing date: 16 Jul 1891
Priority date: 16 Jul 1891
Inventors: Samuel F. O Reilly
