This Day in Patent History - On January 29, 1895, Charles Steinmetz patented a system of distribution by alternating current (A/C)

On January 29, 1895, Charles Steinmetz patented a system of distribution by alternating current (A/C).

He fostered the development of A/C that made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the US. He suffered from dwarfism, hunchback, and hip dysplasia, as did his father and grandfather.


PatentYogi_On January 29, 1895, Charles Steinmetz patented a system of distribution by alternating current

Patent Information
Publication number: US533244 A
Patent Title: System of distribution by alternating currents
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: Jan 29, 1895
Filing date: Apr 2, 1894
Inventors: Charles P. Steinmetz
Original Assignee: The general Electric Company
