Google filed patent for generating a 3D audio CAPTCHA


Google filed patent for generating a 3D audio CAPTCHA (“completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart”).

It is difficult to break the 3D audio captcha using automated speech recognition technologies. Audio captcha’s are used by visually-impaired users.

The the system constructs a stereophonic audio prompt that simulates a noisy and reverberant three-dimensional environment, such as a “cocktail party” environment, in which humans tend to perform well while ASR systems suffer severe performance degradations.

Patent Information
Publication number: US9263055
Patent Title: Systems and methods for three-dimensional audio CAPTCHA
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 16 Feb 2016
Filing date: 10 Apr 2013
Inventors: Yannis Agiomyrgiannakis; Edison Tan; David John Abraham;
Original Assignee: Google Inc.
