Sunday Funday - Snake Walker

Pets are pets and all pets need exercise. This patented snake walker will help you “walk” your snakes.

Snakes have the ability to alter the shape of their circumference, and they can easily slide out of a normal neck collar.


The patented snake walker is a specially designed collar that ensures that the snake does not escape.


Snakes cannot be tamed or domesticated, like a dog or a cat. They remain wild animals. However, some people do keep them as pets.













However, most snake owners that do not spend much time handling their snakes. This is largely because they must hold them constantly while handling them for fear of losing control of them.


Letting a snake go in a living room or outside can result in loss of the snake as it may slither into a crevice, hole, or other hideaway unnoticed making it difficult if not impossible to retrieve the snake. As a result, most snakes are kept indoors year round under less than optimum lighting conditions (artificial light).


It would be beneficial if snake owners could spend some outdoor time with their animals as it is known that natural sunlight and the warmth it produces is very beneficial to the epidermal health of any reptile.


Patent Information
Publication number: US6490999 B1
Patent Title: Collar apparatus enabling secure handling of a snake by tether
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 09/942,485
Publication date: 10 Dec 2002
Filing date: 29 Aug 2001
Priority date: 29 Aug 2001
Fee status: Lapsed
Also published as: EP1420634A2, WO2003020165A2, WO2003020165A3
Inventors: Donald Robert Martin Boys
Original Assignee: Central Coast Patent Agency, Inc
