This Day in Patent History - On September 27, 1977 - Anacleto Montero Sanchez received a patent for a hypodermic syringe

PatentYogi_On September 27, 1977_ Anacleto Montero Sanchez received a patent for a hypodermic syringe

Patent Information
Patent Number: US4050459 A
Patent Title: Hypodermic syringe
Publication date: Sep 27, 1977
Filing date: May 20, 1976
Priority date: May 23, 1975
Inventors: Anacleto Montero Sanchez

Abstract: A hypodermic syringe for administering a plurality of measured doses, particularly to animals, comprises a barrel and a plunger movable in the barrel, the plunger having a track and the barrel a track follower. The track is made up of a plurality of stages each stage corresponding to a movement in the plunger which will expel from the syringe a single dose.